Pt Chevalier Bowling Club has played an important part of our local community's social life for over 95 years.
We have a large social membership as well as a very successful and well supported bowling contingent - the
In 1840, Pt Chevalier was a vast expanse of white manuka and scrub with a few Maori tracks linking the native settlements, one being at the mouth of the Oakley Creek and another on the banks of the Meola Creek.
In January 1861 the first pioneers settled on the land between Meola and Oakley Creeks, and the residents by the middle of 1860’s were the Walker, Dignan, Blagrove and Thomas families. All land north of Humariri Street belonged to the Dignan family and the track from Hall Corner (Carrington and Gt North Rds) finished at Wright Road. Captain George Robert Chevalier supervised rifle practice on the site of the present Selwyn Village (hence the name Target Street) and it was referred to as Albert Barracks. He was a remarkable marksman and after winning a Rifle Championship, the local soldiers called the place Chevalier Point in his honour.
Part of the history of Pt Chevalier involved the Dignan land which was sold after Peter Dignan’s death for building sites and houses proliferated. Around the year 1902, Lot 24 had passed down the lineage of the Dignan family to be owned by one Thomas Dignan. He demolished his father’s old homestead and erected a large house on the site at number 25.
In 1913 Messrs Mackie, McIvor, Hoskin, Fairweather and Mattson bought a section of land near the corner of Pt Chevalier Road and Smale Street for the total sum of five pounds. They built an outdoor bowling green and so formed the first sporting club in Pt Chevalier.
In 1921 Mr Hallyburton Johnstone, a farmer from Ngatea, purchased this property. He subdivided that area fronting Dignan Street into building sites and sold them to various buyers and similarly with the land facing Pt Chevalier Road. This left Mr Johnstone with an area of 4 acres surrounding the former Dignan home.
On 11 August 1927 Mr Hubert Buckley and Mr Fred Dyson with the assistance from city councillor, Mr M J Coyle, held a meeting to discuss the possibility of forming a bowling club in the district. This meeting appointed M J Coyle and F G Rose to approach Mr Hallyburton Johnstone for use of his property. Mr Johnstone agreed to the proposal and the Hallyburton Johnstone Sports Club was founded.
Life trustees were appointed to control the sports club and on the death of Mr Johnstone in 1948 the property was placed on perpetual trust for use by certain sports organisations. These currently are the combined men’s and women's bowling club, croquet club and tennis club.
We must pay tribute to those who through sheer physical work have given us the great bowling club we have today. They formed our greens and the surrounds, they poured concrete, built shelters, created seating, dug drains, built walls and fences and performed many other odious tasks. To single out any of these stalwarts would be unfair as many names have been eroded from memory by the passage of time. We can only feel indebtedness to those tireless workers.
In 1973 renovation and refurbishment of the men’s club lounge was completed and proved to be a radical turning point in our history as it forced the relaxing of club rules to allow members to entertain their ladies in the lounge. An amalgamated men’s and women's bowling club became a reality in the 2002-2003 season and was a welcomed change.
Bowlers from other clubs are always eager to compete in our tournaments and their support is greatly appreciated. An annual exchange visit with Kerepehi Bowling Club is a highlight of the bowling calendar and a wonderful bond of comradeship has developed as a result. The ‘Bone of Contention’ is a trophy much sought after, with Pt Chevalier laying claim to having the more skilful players, although Kerepehi would not agree!
Bowlers from other clubs are always eager to compete in our tournaments and their support is greatly appreciated. An annual exchange visit with Kerepehi Bowling Club is a highlight of the bowling calendar and a wonderful bond of comradeship has developed as a result. The ‘Bone of Contention’ is a trophy much sought after, with Pt Chevalier laying claim to having the more skilful players, although Kerepehi would not agree!
Present amenities are of the highest standard. Two bowling greens provide ample accommodation for members and visitors alike, while our pavilion offers comfortable surroundings. Members can enjoy the bar facilities together with hot food from our talented chef, while others enjoy indoor bowls, darts, pool, table tennis and gaming machines.
The recent addition of the 'kids playzone' has helped to make us a 'family friendly' club, and we now have a facility we are all very proud of, and hope will encourage new members into the sport and our club.
Our club members are known through out the bowling community as 'The Pirates'. And our interclub sides are always playing as Pirates, or similiar 'pirate themed names' - Swashbucklers, Plunderers, Hearties or Scallywags!
The AUTEX Pt Chevalier Bowls Pirates are our Premier Bowls 3Five team. They took part in the televised Sky Sports League, and won the inaugural 2018 event. Whilst this series finished in 2022, our teams regularly compete in the Auckland event vying to reach the National Finals.
Our Men's Sevens Team are regularly in the limelight - Auckland Champions in 2020/21 and 2021/22 season and runners up in 2022/23 and 2023/24.
Our other interclub teams perform credibly - winning Winter Interclub 2021/22 and 2nd in 2022/23, 2nd in Ladies 8's 2021/22, and winners Mens 8's 2021/22.
Our highly successful Club members love being 'Pirates', and wear our club shirts (available from our Club Shop). They can be seen out in force in Auckland Events, our Open Tournaments as well as supporting other clubs open tournaments and inter club competitions held across the season.
Our supporters are known as the 'Pirate Crew' - pirate attire is optional!